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Curriculum intent

At Kirkheaton Primary school we want all children to be active, enganged and feel part of a strong community.

Our carefully sequenced broad and balanced curriculum is designed to inspire, interest and challenge all our children to achieve. Content is built around prior knowledge and repetition of key concepts.

We want all our children to have real experiences, to use their curiosity and imagination and experience the magic of childhood. 

Our 4 Rs, our core values, are Responsibility, Respect, Resilience and Rights.  These are woven into our curriculum.  Children learn how to be their best selves and learn the skills to be a positive and respectful adults.

All children have equal access to the curriculum and everyone achieves success.



Implementing the curriculum

A series of ambitious topics across school enable teachers to deliver a wider curriculum.  

Children get multiple opportunities to repeat learning and build on previous knowledge.  Assessment is used at the beginning of topics to establish what children have retained and committed to long-term memory.  Teachers then build on this knowledge and teach children to use and apply.

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and interlinks all subjects.  High quality texts promote engagement, challenge, imagination and discovery.  No child is left behind on the quest to become a reader.

Personal development and skills to develop positive relationships and mental health are taught throughout each subject.  Every child develops an intrinsic desire to be 'their best self'.

Impact of the curriculum

Each child, at each stage, makes good progress from their individual starting points.  

Learning behaviours focus on developing confidence, independence and resilience.

Children are well-equipped for their future.  We develop future adults who can make a difference in the world.

Children develop aspirations and ambition to be who they want to be.



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