Welcome to our school
I am incredibly proud to welcome you to Kirkheaton Primary School. We are an above average sized primary school, situated in the village of Kirkheaton serving a wider catchment area that extends from Cooper Bridge; to Hopton all the way to Dalton.
Our children are incredible. Our mission statement is to be 'Active Citizens' anbd we have 4 key values that we instill in all of our students: Rights, Respect, Resilience, Responsibility.
Safeguarding is the core of everything we do- we are relentless in making sure that everyone is kept safe in our school community.
We have a rich curriculum that is supported by an extensive extra curricular programme. Creating a unique environment that can only be understood by visiting our school. Our children talk about how safe and happy they feel at school; they tell visitors about the fun lessons and the leadership oppurtunities they get.
Mr R Coates
Telephone Number 01484 548049
Email office@kirkheatonprimary.com
Any queries: to Mrs J Muncaster
Principal: Mr R Coates
SENCO: Miss Webb
Chair of governors: Mr Leigh Blanchard
Designated safeguarding lead: Mr Coates / Miss Lumb / Miss Bevan / Miss Webb
Paper copies of policy documents available through the school office