Outdoor Learning
In Reception, the children have access to learning outdoors throughout the day. Our outdoor area reflects all our areas of learning. It allows children to experience the wonders of nature, practise gross motor skills, work together in a team, build self-confidence and many other skills to compliment what they are learning indoors.
Playing is an essential part of learning in Reception. The children can access a whole range of playing opportunities which enable them to practise what they have been learning and develop their communication and personal skills.
In Reception children begin their journey to become readers and writers. We use the Read Write Inc phonics scheme to learn sounds and how to blend them together. They quickly move onto reading words and sentences in books. They will also learn how to write letters, words and sentences and write for a whole range of purposes.
The children in Reception enjoy lots of practical experiences of Maths. They will explore numbers to ten and beyond, developing a deep understanding of the composition of numbers. They will also investigate shapes, patterns and measures in a range of situations.