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Safeguarding at Kirkheaton Primary School

Safeguarding Policy 

Safeguarding at Kirkheaton Primary

Safeguarding at our school

Everyone at Kirkheaton Primary School is passionate about and committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff and visitors to share this commitment. Our staff are trained at regular intervals and are aware of how to keep our pupils safe and what signs to look for. Our pupils are encouraged to share any concerns that they have.
We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective procedures support families, children and staff who are part of our school.


Keeping Children Safe

Everyone at Kirkheaton Primary School is passionate about and committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff and visitors to share this commitment.

Key people you can talk to in school about safeguarding:

Mr Richard Coates
Designated Safeguarding Lead (Designated member of staff responsibile for looked after children)